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Join A GreenStrength Team



Digital Training Experience with the Train Heroic App


I'm excited to present the GreenStrength Programs via the Train Heroic App. These aren't just weekly routines; they are comprehensive lifestyle templates offering a harmonious blend of strength, mobility, conditioning, and recovery.


Discover Your Ideal Program:

GreenStrength "Tribe": Harmonizing timeless and modern training to cultivate a lifetime of strength and capability 


GreenStrength Combat: Enhance performance, minimize injuries, and stay on the mats. Training crafted for the samurai


ScoBAMF: No-nonsense, old-school training designed to transform weekend warriors into lifetime badasses 

  • Follow The GreenStrength "Tribe" Program

    Every month
    A balanced program with a focus on building strength, movement, conditioning, & longevity
  • Follow The GreenStrength Combat Program

    Every month
    A program designed to forge the most complete samurai. Movement, strength, conditioning, recovery
  • Follow the ScoBAMF program

    Every month
    Serious Strength & Conditioning for the Intermediete/Advanced trainee with a sprinkle of the GS ways
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