The topic of food, diets, supplements is a never ending discussion in the gym. I am beyond floored by the fact that the majority of us simply don’t understand how to eat for a healthy body/mind. Before we get crazy with all the nutrient timing and secret hacks out there we must first create an environment of consistency with 1 ingredient – real nutrient dense foods. Here is some direction – I call it nutrition made simple, dive in.

Educate yourself on what 1 ingredient – real nutrient dense foods are. For the sake of simplicity, here is a shopping list from the WHOLE 30group.
Understand you need to eat enough “fuel” each day to perform. A good starting point is to make sure you’re getting around 15xBW in Calories. After a few weeks you can adjust up or down accordingly. *Remember, lack of fuel can be a disaster to your hormones and performance/cognitive abilities.
Build balanced meals. Nothing fancy here – just make sure each meal contains a -Protein Source -Fat Source -Vegetable and or/fruit source *Little secret here. Want to lose more fat? Opt for more colorful veggies in place of starches/fruits. *You can also use the shopping list to pick a variety of options for each spot in your meal.
Now go cook, enjoy the taste of real food, and be consistent. Oh and watch your energy levels and body change for the better.
One more thing – Supplements…. Ummm.. Ask after the following are in order.
-Sleeping 6-8 hours each night -Eating the above for an extended period of time.. Not 2 weeks but at least 2 months. -Daily activity for at least 20-30min -Staying Hydrated.. Drink your WATER!