Obtaining a stronger midsection takes consistent practice, with sound technique, and a solid plan. Good news is I am giving you a solid plan for free right here! As with all exercises, I advise you to dig into each one and really learn how the movements are executed. Using the correct movement and applying the correct tension/relaxation is key – this is what then makes practice so important. The end result is a solid, chiseled, thick midsection like that of a greek god. Give it a go for 1 to 3 sessions a week for 3 to 4 weeks and report back to me with your results.
If you really want to get into this stuff, I’m available for a private where we could delve deep into this topic. I assure you that taking the time to learn how to move your body properly will change your numbers…on the scales, in your lifts, in your posture, and in your blood work.
5 Rounds
-TGU Roll To Elbow x3/3
-Hanging Straight Leg Raise x5 (I actually suggest using the elbow straps and really compress your center)
-Janda Sit Up x5 (Slowly lower each eccentric).. FYI – It’s important to understand what your doing in the Janda Sit Up. Assume the standard bent-knee crunch position while your partner, a band, or your pavelizer (Pavel’s Product) holds your legs just below the calves. This hand position is the secret to Janda sit-ups. Your feet should remain in contact with the floor at all times during the movement, and the knees should be flexed no more than 90 degrees. Fold you hands across your chest, inhale, and slowly sit up while applying steady pressure against your partner’s hands with your legs. Stop when the tension in the abs is about to drop off (around halfway up) and exhale at the top of the movement. Inhale again and lower yourself all the way to the floor, pushing against your partner’s hands the whole time. Relax for a second, then repeat.
-KB or DB Side Bend x5/5
-Leopard Crawls x10 yards forward / 10 yards backwards
-KB Rack Walks x150ft
Simple, tough, and time-tested proven. If you add this in with your deadlifts, chin ups, presses, squats, swings, and couple that with a belly constantly full of REAL FOOD, fruits, veggies, grassfed meats, nuts/seeds, sweet potatoes you my friend will be ‘strong like bull’.